Coaching for Doctors 2020 Updates
Coaching for Doctors 2020 Updates
Our doctors have certainly put everything on the table during 2020. Having a coach in your corner who understands healthcare can keep you focused, help your performance, and can even become a protective factor for your wellbeing. Most of the doctors I have the privilege to coach find me through word of mouth, the best recommendation. Thank you to all of the doctors I have worked with this year especially.
We have a deep understanding for the work our medicos are doing
Many, many more doctors now understand the value of coaching. Turning our focus specifically to doctors six years ago as the first coaching practice in Australia dedicated to coaching doctors has really been significant. We have a deep understanding and appreciation for the work our medicos are doing and the unique challenges a medical career holds.
As a country person, I have been delighted to partner with the Australian College of Regional and Rural Medicine during 2020 as a Coach. I look forward to continuing to support our regional and rural doctors in 2021. Many specialty colleges are seeking a better understanding of the value coaching can bring which is really exciting for the ongoing wellbeing of our doctor workforce who experience terrible rates of burnout.
The next opportunity for doctors to commence coaching with me will be February 2021, please get in touch if you would like to set up a 30 minute complimentary, no-obligation consultation, and let’s discuss how coaching can help you reach your goals next year.