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It’s meaningful because I choose it

The Joy of missing out… Recently I was in the slow lane, immersed in nature and gentle silence for five days – such luxury!There is no accident in such an arrangement. I chose to prioritise and organise so that I could step out of my habituated life, out of the hustle and bustle. In order […]

An Integrated Life

Finding the right balance. An integrated life is one that finds the right balance, that includes the right amounts of all the things that are important to you.  Even better if all of those parts nourish and feed each other.  I have been working since I was 12 years old. First in my parent’s orchard sorting and packing fruit […]

Being your best selves

Do you have the right people around you to help be your definition of fulfilled? We hope 2023 has been good to you so far. We are really excited about 2023 here at Coaching for Doctors, as we lean into working with more healthcare organisations in more systemic ways.  As you know our primary work […]

Where are all the men?

How do male doctors develop their human skills? How do men develop their human skills in relationship, communication and self care? In 2022 we really got excited with 7 men and 8 women completing our Recalibrate program!! It was the first time male and female participants had neared parity in our immersion doctor care program […]

Coaching helps doctors see themselves

Q: What is it that you do in coaching with a doctor?

 A: Mostly I help them see themselves.
The person I am working with knows what is best for them.

Doctors are humans.

Next time you meet a doctor
Remember you are meeting a human being
With all the human needs and frailties that you have
With a life that can get messy like yours outside the hospital walls, beyond the clinic

Interpreter, facilitator, coach

Learning the skills of wellbeing takes more than a one hour workshop. For healthcare to find a way to take better care of the workers, we need radical change not tweaks at the edges.

Staff wellbeing takes more than a one hour workshop.

Learning the skills of wellbeing takes more than a one hour workshop. For healthcare to find a way to take better care of the workers, we need radical change not tweaks at the edges.

Healthcare Crisis: 6 things you can do

Healthcare Crisis: 6 things you can do right now for better health and better healthcare Healthcare workers are struggling with exhaustion, frustration, distress, vicarious trauma, moral injury, anxiety, depression and burnout. Recent news of doctor suicides is totally heartbreaking. There is a direct relationship between the health of doctors and the health outcomes of patients.  […]

How to be more balanced and fulfilled, working in medicine.

The Thriving Doctor – How to be more balanced and fulfilled, working in medicine. It’s no secret that doctors are under pressure. COVID-19 has amplified their workplace stress, threatened their own wellbeing and demanded they work in conditions few others have to consider. When doctors are well, patient health outcomes and experience improve according to […]

Better health outcomes for all

For a balanced life, more fulfilling careers and a sustainable healthcare system. Every week multiple people ask me two questions… What is coaching? Why do doctors seek a coach, how does it help them? To answer these questions I have written a white paper, Coaching for Doctors: A Balanced Life which specifically seeks to explain the […]

Safety first: a better guiding principle for healthcare

Safety first is a better guiding principle for healthcare than patients first. Doctors around Australia are under significant pressure. Junior doctors taking a class action about unpaid overtime is simply the latest in a long line of known problems that are embedded in the culture of healthcare. Big problems for doctors themselves like high rates […]