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Why doctors and coaches need to retreat for balance

In retreat, in the quiet, we can listen for our true selves and reconnect to our own meaning. The world is incredibly noisy. There is so much junk to sift through. I find it tricky to work out what to attend to, what to read, listen to, watch. Is it just me? Doctors in the […]

Compassionate Care Competencies need our attention

Bedside manner and communication skills are the ‘tip of the compassion iceberg’ according to Dominic O. Vachon. In the big machine that is modern day healthcare, we have prioritised throughput, technical wizardry and the financial bottom line. In other words, we still talk a lot about compassion, but we are not walking the talk often […]

I see you, tell me what you truly need

  Being seen is the foundation of wellbeing AND therefore the foundation of high performance. Before 2011 I said things like ‘as long as the surgeon is skilled and competent, we don’t care about the rest’. Let me be clear I was talking about his technical, surgical skills. I was wrong in two important ways. […]

The Well-Being Index Partner

What does make a difference to doctor wellbeing and performance? We are interested in how coaching can alter doctor wellbeing and performance. So we are constantly seeking ways to measure the impact of our work.We are really delighted to be partnering with Beamtree who offer the Well-Being Index (WBI) to healthcare workers in Australia and […]

It’s the system you say…

Systemic and structural changes are required within healthcare.   It’s the system you say. I agree there are systemic and structural changes required within healthcare. Who is in charge of these systems? Who can orchestrate the changes? Who has the power and capacity to change them so that doctors’ lives can be enhanced by their […]

Coaching is often described as counter-cutural

It is designed to create new thinking, to widen the field of vision we are working in. The work I do in medicine coaching, facilitating workshops and speaking, is sometimes described as counter-cultural. I am curious about the doctor’s experience of our conversation or what they are hearing from me. I often ask medics to […]

Being your best selves

Do you have the right people around you to help be your definition of fulfilled? We hope 2023 has been good to you so far. We are really excited about 2023 here at Coaching for Doctors, as we lean into working with more healthcare organisations in more systemic ways.  As you know our primary work […]

Where are all the men?

How do male doctors develop their human skills? How do men develop their human skills in relationship, communication and self care? In 2022 we really got excited with 7 men and 8 women completing our Recalibrate program!! It was the first time male and female participants had neared parity in our immersion doctor care program […]

Coaching helps doctors see themselves

Q: What is it that you do in coaching with a doctor?

 A: Mostly I help them see themselves.
The person I am working with knows what is best for them.

What does healthcare need from its leaders in 2022?

What does healthcare need from its leaders in 2022? During the pandemic crisis healthcare workers have pulled together to respond with military precision and peak effectiveness to meet the immediate need, to look after patients. But what of before and after the crisis? Burnout and workforce shortages already existed pre-COVID and healthcare worker wellbeing was […]

Be more like water

People, healthcare workers, are saying two things over and over to me in the first two weeks of 2022. Everyone is so fatigued after two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all so tired. What can we do, all we can do is keep going. I was lucky and grateful to have a couple […]

Choosing a Coach

Choosing a coach, many more doctors are seeking coaching which is wonderful. Evidence-based coaching has much to offer the coachee doctor in terms of development, growth and learning. In 2020, Liselotte, Dyrbye, Shanafelt, Gill et al published their randomised trial in JAMA asking the key question: Does professional coaching result in a measurable reduction in […]