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Transformational learning for doctors, so much more than a training program

Profound experience happens in Our Signature Immersion Doctor Care Program groups that changes the way doctors practice medicine and personally experience their work. I am totally humbled by the trust placed in my cofacilitator Dr Elisabeth Wearne (Liz) and me, by the experience of witnessing our doctor participants’ deep learning. When Liz and I first […]

I feel fierce – how the story we tell ourselves makes a difference

At Coaching for Doctors we are intrigued by language. In our Recalibrate program we spend a lot of time in retreat understanding the story through our use of language. What does the story mean? What does the story help you to do or be, what does it hinder? The narrative we hold can help us […]

Do you need to rewrite the equations which you currently live by?

This question was asked by Joshua Rothman in his article The Art of Decision Making published in The New Yorker in January this year. I have only read it now in December as I am reflecting on the year past and planning for the one to come, 2020. As a coach of doctors I am […]

Making change requires effort in the face of resistance and effort requires clear purpose

Why do we seek change? Something inside us suggests there is something better, we seek change essentially to stop suffering, or in the pursuit of happiness (peace, contentment, wellness). So we set out to make a change, start a new habit, stop an old habit, learn more, revise an old idea, plan a different behaviour […]

Are you a doctor? Are you well?

Doctors and medical students experience more anxiety, depression, drug and alcohol misuse and suicide, at greater rates than the general population. What are we doing to turn this around?

Doctor as fixer is too narrow a role.

How are you serving your patients and trainees? Are you awake? Do they develop in your leadership or are you stunting their growth?