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Healthcare workers can we make hope contagious

Hope signals optimism, a forward stance, attitude and empowerment. For doctors and healthcare workers, hope is not wishful thinking, it’s a conscious choice to focus on what might be possible.

Scale deep. 9 lessons for transformational change

The goal of our work Coaching and with Recalibrate© is to create insight and behaviour change that is long lasting for doctors and their patients. We are looking to create ripples that impact wider and deeper, leading to better medicine individually and systemically. For patients we want to see better health outcomes and positive interactions […]

Reflecting on the research and practice of coaching doctors

Academic Research seeks evidence by asking very specific questions that reduce the variables in a situation. In order to get at specific evidence, we can begin with a general enquiry like- Does coaching help doctors improve their performance? Does coaching reduce doctor burnout? And gradually we can think our way to something specific that we can […]

It’s the Combination of Trust and Tension that Creates Value in Coaching.

The process of coaching is a delicate balance between trust and tension. It is not the same as other conversations and it is not meant to be. Coaching relies on a trusting relationship so the Coachee can get to the core of the issue, get under the waterline. And the Coach has been given permission […]

The Doctor Cannot Fix Everything, believing they can limits, hurts, us all

The Doctor Cannot Fix Everything, believing they can limits, hurts, us all Mostly doctors are used to being the brightest star in the sky. I mean that with absolute admiration, there is no ‘tone’ when I say that. Since their inception most medical schools have selected doctors primarily for their academic smarts in STEM. When […]

To be a patient is to be rendered vulnerable.

To be To be a patient is to be rendered vulnerable.The trust required to give consent to anaesthesia, surgery, pharmacological treatment on someone’s, a stranger’s, advice might be an act of desperationBlind faith… To be a medical student is to live up to expectation.The persistent commitment to academic learning, to sacrificing a social life, to […]

Prevention is so much better than a cure

Prevention is so much better than a cure every day of the week. Proactive action can help you be well, no matter where you work or what you do. Including working in healthcare. Healthcare workers have so much opportunity to shift the focus to prevention, to generate more health and wellbeing in our communities.  When […]

Retreat fosters a tender heart and a stable mind.

What a tender act it is to be on retreat. To tend to one’s self gently…. What just happened when you read that first sentence, that word tender?  What belief did you automatically invoke without even trying, as truth? To tend to something means to pay attention to it and take action to care for […]

Self improvement creates wellbeing

There is a tension between accepting yourself as you are and the notion of self improvement. As high achievers, doctors often describe themselves as life long learners. Some even seem addicted to academic achievement, but is this the same as self improvement, or something else? The language of self improvement is out of vogue. Now […]

Leading a Hospital Unit Effectively

Leading and creating a hospital unit workplace culture, where people want to be. A provocation for generative thinking. Shanafelt et. al. have demonstrated and concluded that creating a wellbeing culture in healthcare needs to happen at the local unit level.1 Professors Amy Edmondson and Don Berwick delivered a keynote together last week at the IHI […]

Doctors celebrate the value of having a Professional Coach

Being in a room where doctors are openly celebrating the value of having a professional coach is a novel experience for me. We had the pleasure in March of attending the Creative Careers in Medicine Conference. A gathering of medical creatives and curiosos. The speakers were inspiring and really showcased a breadth and depth of […]

Is there an archetypal doctor mindset?

Your mindset has an impact on your experience and your results, because it affects what you notice. In a continuous feedback loop, what you notice can get narrower and narrower, if you live in the red zone of fight-flight, sympathetic dominance as many doctors do.  In this mindset, a stressed state, your body produces cortisol, […]